On Friday I woke with a venegance to get back into exercise and healthy eating....and exercise I did...I went ot a 5.45am Combat class and burnt 542 calories in the hour class...I then backed this class up with a 9.30am Body Attack class and burnt another 564 calories...then the final exercise for the day was at 4.30pm where I took a Fitbox hour class where I burnt 573 calories.....so I managed to burn 1679 calories all day...and even managed to eat healthy, get a facial and buy clothes (these had to be bought as it was task 4).....
Saturday I again woke all motivated and keen to continue to exercise and eat healthy...I participated in a double Body Attack (where I burnt 544 calories) and Body Pump class (266 calories burnt)...Saturday's total was 810 calories....Saturday I managed to eat healthy all day, despite going out for lunch with friends, and attending a 40th birthday party on the Saturday night.....
Sunday was spent planning the weeks meals, shopping and cleaning...I had organised to go for a run in the afternoon, however it was pouring with rain, I was still tired from the night before (and I can hear all the other excuses that I have used before)....these excuses won out this time, and the end result was me eating unhealthy for the rest of the night (OMG why do I do it all the time)....
I rained this unhealthy eating in by taking photos in my bra and undies...my husband and I had fun doing this (and for all you dirty minded people it was all clean fun)....I was after the 'model' shot (LOL).....I know I am going to have to do these photos again in another two weeks, but as someone on the facebook site said, it shows the changes in your body....I was also wanting to try and make the second time around just that little bit easier.....
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Next time I post pictures, I will definitely see results.....Still oh so much to learn....On a positive I am going to be training for a 10km fun run on Good Friday......My husband and I are going to do it, before heading off to Rainbow Beach....
Don't focus so much on the negative - you smashed some great workouts and I hope you get great results.
ReplyDeleteLast round i HATED taking my before shots - i didn't read the fine print and I took them - like you have - without a magazine or newspaper to use as a time guide.
When you take your photos for the challenge - make sure (as I have done this time) you stand with a time guide so you can use them officially on the site and even enter them in competitions when you have a rockin new bod!!
Good Luck - don't beat yourself up so much!!